Sunday, June 25, 2006

keeping my sanity

When you live in the City that never sleeps, sometimes it also feels as if your mind can't sleep. I find myself constantly contemplating about things. Am I doing all that I can to progress? Do I really like my job? How can I improve my relationships? What else is out there for me? I think about the different areas in my life and what needs special attention.

But after all that mental exercise, I end up telling myself, "chill out. Things'll unfold and I'll know what to do." And then I relax, enjoy my surroundings and live my life. Until the next subway ride, the next movie or quiet moment which initializes this whole thinking cycle all over again. Some thoughts are depressing, some are insightful. But sometimes, I just want to relax and not let the daily grind get to me. Even if we're always bombarded by that constant list of to-do's, sometimes all we need is an outlet to feel that we're not too caught up with the rat race. We all need to let loose once in a while, and so here's me taking a break:

Gotta love this City. Gotta love these people! :) They keep me sane!


At 7:26 AM, Blogger radiculous said...

Hey Abby! Been going through the same rollercoaster.. but mine happens everytime I go to a client meet. :D and then I end up at the mall buying stuff i don't need. WAhihihiihhihihih!! :D

At 9:39 PM, Blogger scorpiolady said...

Hey Rad! Ah yes, I use that kind of outlet as well. Mabigat sa bulsa. Hahaha!


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