Tuesday, February 07, 2006

THY stupid mouth

Jon Mayer’s song was such a hit because however ill fated and cause for many sleepless nights, its normal to runaway at the mouth.

We’re all guilty of spilling the unwanted beans. Once, twice, and sometimes more than that. I’ve just been chatting with a good friend (no names of course) and she sheepishly admitted that she made a bubu she had not yet told me about. Apparently, one seemingly harmless Friday night, she had the usual one-too-many drinks after work to de-stress herself. She bumped into her crush (a tiny crush according to her), hung out with him and - when she went way past her sober mark - breathlessly proclaimed that she liked the guy. With no background checks (a definite must! Even for a minuscule of a crush) done on the oblivious guy! There she was – baring her "soul" (or should I say kiligness) with no ammunition whatsoever. Girls, you know what I mean. EEK to the hundredth degree right! And guess what? He had a girlfriend.

Another blunder: A different friend of mine, having met up with an old crush in foreign soil after so many years of not seeing him, developed an even bigger crush on the guy. They constantly hung out, and without Manila’s piercing gaze on them, they started flirting. They talked endlessly on the phone, they made each other laugh. She felt a connection but her short vacation eventually had to end. Since their flirting never amounted to much, she decided to write him a letter. And as if she would never see him again whole life, she (like my other friend) made the mistake of telling him how she felt. Written on impulse & overwhelmed with emotions, the writings were heavily exaggerated. Because they would be separated by vast oceans, she told me she shought she could pour out her feelings through a letter and bahala na. BIG MISTAKE. Just a minute after mailing the letter (the day before she left his country), she already regretted the deed.

They went their separate ways and years later when they met up, it bit her in the ass. He wouldn’t let it go, he constantly brought it up which he knew absolutely mortified her. She was embarrassed beyond words because she somehow regarded this guy highly. She wanted to keep him as a friend. To this day, her humiliation is still ringing in her ears.

What nonsensical calamities! My point? SHUT YER TRAP girls! Hahaha!


At 8:48 PM, Blogger El PresiBENte said...

Lemme get this straight: in the 2nd scenario, boy & girl meet again, boy kept ragging girl about the letter, but girl was mortified?

Does that mean A) both of them were seeing someone else already B) girl was no longer interested in boy or C) boy has nothing else to talk about?

At 7:00 AM, Blogger scorpiolady said...

haha! good question! all of the above!!!


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