Thursday, February 09, 2006

the distant ringing of wedding bells

Most of my girlfriends have been announcing one engagement after another. According to Tere, "wedding boom" all of a sudden. I’m bummed out. Not because I wish to be engaged like them, but because it looks as if I’ll be missing most of their weddings. Due to the fact that I’m tied to this side of the world for the next year or two, I'm really hating my situation as of late. I’ve already missed the wedding of 2 close friends (last October) where I was asked to be part of their entourage. I honestly did NOT want to miss that special day. I always thought I’d be there to see my best friend get married... =(

This coming March, another good friend is getting married (in Bangkok!) and so the group will be going to Thailand and seems as if they're looking to make a side trip to hit the beaches after. Basta, all I seem to be reading these days through yahoo group mails are plans for the Thailand trip. One friend is even flying in from UK just to make it. I'm so jealous! I want to go to Chatuchak! I wanna go to Phuket! I want to eat fried bugs sold on the side streets of Patpong! (Ok scrap the last sentence who am I kidding?)

And just recently, one of my best friends announced her engagement. It was not a surprise since I knew that was coming but her civil wedding is only a month away! It looks as if I can’t make it to that either even though it will be here in the US. On top of that, another “feisty chick” is engaged to be married this December in Punta Fuego. A beach wedding! What the hell’s going on??? Has my luck run out, has my blessed fortune deserted me? Have I grown balat on my pwet all of a sudden?

At this point, my situation looks hopeless. I honestly can’t say when I’ll be back in Manila again. If luck’s arrow decides to come my way at the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007, then I might just be able to attend one wedding. Two if I’m ABSOLUTELY blessed. God, I feel so left out from all the significant happenings this year. I know I’m not alone though since we’re scattered all over the world now. But heck, it feels like I’m the pinaka unable to leave this damn country.

GGRRR! Why’d we have to all grow up and take on responsibilities anyway! Couldn't we have stayed forever young and just commit to school and traveling?

Hmm.. come ot think of it.... I think that could be a possibility!!! That is, if my father was Bill Gates and I absolutely had no ambition in life. Great. Problem solved huh?


Just after I typed this peice I saw yet another "feisty chick" online. Chatted with her for a bit and she announces that SHE's having her church wedding in Manila this year. Wonderful. Somebody just shoot me.


Happy birthday my darling Fayinna. Don't you dare surprise us by getting engaged too!!

Fernand and I with the engaged ones - Pat, Mago and Chris


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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